The Experts in Radiation Protection Solutions
Services: Radiation Protection
1. Radiation Safety Program Audit
2. Laser Safety Program Audit
3. Source Security Review
4. Radiation Shielding Evaluation
5. Bio-Safety
6. Training
7. Prepare Paperwork, Inventory, Leak Test
8. Radio-Frequency (RF) Assessment
9. Technical Advisors
Radiation Safety Program Audit/Review
We provide a comprehensive radiation safety independent audit of your radiation protection (RP), or Non-ionizing safety program. The assessment typically includes
- Pre-audit preparation (off-site) including a review of licensees, manuals, permits, procedures, and preparation of the audit checklist.
- On-Site Audit will consist of conducting the review on-site with records review, site visits, and personnel interviews.
- Final Audit report (off-site) review of audit results and findings, preparation, review, and approval of the final audit report.
Laser Safety Program Audit/Review
Review all laser related hazards, controls, training, and records and provide the customer with a written report of the audit.
- Pre-audit preparation (off-site) including a review of laser manuals, permits, procedures, and preparation of the audit checklist.
- On-Site Audit will consist of conducting the review on-site and with records review and site visits.
- Final Audit report (off-site) review of audit results and findings, preparation, review, and approval of the final audit report.
Source Security Review
For customers with irradiators or category 1 or 2 sources are required to have a security plan, background, checks, room security, security training, etc. (as per 10CFR37). This review will document the audit of the security program and its ability to meet the 10CFR 37 requirements. The consultant has been given trustworthiness and reliability (T&R) reviewing official status from the NRC and with a background check.
Radiation Shielding Evaluation
Assess adequacy of shielding (by measurement and other means) for a new installation of a linear accelerator, CT Scanner, X-ray source, etc. calibrated neutron and gamma dose rate meters are used.
- Audit/Third-party review
- Program structure and creation
- Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) program design
- Training
- Procedure writing and review
- State authorizations for decontamination methods
- Record keeping
All trainings are conducted by experienced professionals with several decades of radiation and laser safety trainings. Trainings are available online or the consultant(s) will be onsite and will conduct training sessions to as many or as few members of the workforce as necessary (not to exceed 6 sessions/day dependent on training type chosen below). Training certificates and a summary of the content covered will be provided upon completion of services. See training page for more information
- Radioactive Shipper training: Online and in person DOT/IATA compliant session (class 7 radioactive material only). This training is required for anyone shipping radioactive material.
- Radiation worker (REQUIRED). Training covers topics necessary for full radiation workers with diagnostic, therapeutic, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology departments (sources, detection, shielding, ALARA, monitoring, QC, postings, regulations, etc.)
- Laser safety training (REQUIRED) for the laser users: nurses, MDs, researchers. Training provided will cover laser beam and non-beam hazards, control measures applicable to lasers on-site, PPE and its use, and the safe use of lasers.
- First responder to a contaminated injury. Training covers topics of treatment of individual contaminated with radioactive material (transportation incident, radiation lab worker injured, etc.)
- Radiation awareness for ancillary personnel (facilities, office staff, etc.). Training covers topics of postings, limits, and hazards specific to the trades and janitorial staff in hospitals.
Licensing/Prepare Paperwork
Prepare regulatory paperwork for radioactive material licensing, laser registrations, LSO and RSO designation, procedure writing, and policy making.
- Conduct Laser Inventory with hazards analysis calculations. An inventory can be conducted retaining the pertinent information for registration and hazard calculations. All laser inventory information will be gathered from laser manuals, manufacturer website, or through the customer. This inventory can include hazard analysis calculations for all lasers (“all lasers” refers to only those communicated to the consultant) and is required as per ANSI Z136.1. Calculations will be based on the parameters provided to the consultant; in some cases, if parameters such as divergence or diffraction are unknown, most limiting conditions will be chosen. A report will be provided per laser or per group of lasers for identical lasers.
- Conduct radiation source inventory (determine source type, license requirements, etc.). Required semi-annual sealed source leak testing can be conducted and measured.
- Waste Inventory to determine proper waste sorting (inventory provided).
- Detector inventory to ensure no detectors are being used that are past due calibration.
Radiofrequency (Rf) and Microwave Safety Assessment
Measurement/assessment of sources (rooftop antennas, cell towers, etc.) with a calibrated broad-spectrum tissue-equivalent RF meter with results recorded in percent of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of humans. Survey report provided with recommended posting locations for Notice, Caution, and Danger signs (if applicable).
Technical Advisors
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